In heaven is where our home is found
On earth our lives are kingdom bound
For you have made us for yourself
And so our hearts are restless till we see
Your kingdom come
Let us not grow faint or weary
Let us not lose our hope
For all our struggles will come to pass
And there will be no more sorrow or pain
But everlasting joy
When your kingdom comes
And on that day we shall receive
Crowns that never fade away
Death will die and we will live
For you will raise us to new life
And bring us into glory
Lord Jesus bring us to that day
When you will end all death and sin
When we will finally see your face
When we will join the rest of your saints
And worship in your courts
When your kingdom comes
Music and Lyrics - Tony Sarkis
© 2022 Tony Sarkis. Used By Permission.
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