Into the New Jerusalem
Release year: 2011
Inspired by: Zephaniah 3 and Revelation 21
You are Emmanuel,
the One who is mighty to save,
You are the death of death,
who triumphed o'er the grave,
You are the way to the Father,
The true word, eternally pure,
The promise of life everlasting,
And our grace in this world to endure.
For we now with clouded eye,
toil in the shadow that covers us here,
Yet as we look to your saving help,
Your splendour breaks through and draws near,
So we are safe in the dark of the valley,
The light on the hills as our guide,
The light of the land You have promised,
Where Your glory will cover the bride.
But that city is yet far off,
Distant, the realm of our King.
Though defeated, the enemy
Seeks us out with his murderous sting,
And though we struggle in crossing the Jordan,
And strain t'ward the heavenly side,
The waves that oppress, You anoint us with,
And carry us home with the tide.
For we are called to the land of the living
Whose people You shall not condemn;
Called to come out of Babylon,
Into the New Jerusalem.
© 2011 Paul M Graham. Used by permission.
Recorded and produced by Paul Michael Graham.
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