Come Let Us Enter
Release year: 2017
Verse 1:
Come, let us enter the presence of the King of Glory.
Come, let us now draw near to the throne of grace
Of the Lord Almighty.
Come, let us worship the Father of mercy;
Come, let us honor the Lamb on his throne;
Come, let us praise in the Holy Spirit
The sov’reign God who is God alone.
Verse 2:
Come, let us purify our hearts in his living water.
Come, let us seek his face raising holy hands
And receive his favor.
Come, let us shout to the Father of ages;
Come, let us glorify Jesus, the Son;
Come, let us proclaim in the Holy Spirit
The name of our God who is God alone.
Verse 3:
Come, let us bow down in fear and awe
before our strong Redeemer.
Come, let us rise up and tell all his wonderful works
And make known his power.
Come, let us sing to the Father who loves us;
Come, let us rejoice in the joy of his Son;
Come, let us confess in the Holy Spirit,
You are our God; you are God alone.
Verse 4:
Come, let us worship the Father of mercy;
Come, let us honor the Lamb on his throne;
Come, let us praise in the Holy Spirit
The sov’reign God who is God alone.
You are God alone (3x)
Copyright © 2001 Paul Beckman. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
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Thanks, Paul