Yours is the greatness
Yours is the glory
Yours is the majesty
Yours is the Kingdom
Honour and might belong to You
All that there is, your hands have made
Our God we thank you and we sing
You're exalted, head above all
Your people praise your mighty name
You're exalted, you reign on the throne
Over all, Lord and King!
Yours is the greatness
Yours is the glory
Yours is the majesty
Yours is the Kingdom
Honour and might belong to You
All that there is, your hands have made
Our God we thank you and we sing
You're exalted, head above all
Your people praise your mighty name
You're exalted, you reign on the throne
Over all, Lord and King!
Over all, Lord and King!
Music and Lyrics - Tony Sarkis
© 2020 Tony Sarkis. Used By Permission.
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