We Sing of Your Love

by Tony Sarkis Release year: 2023 

Verse 1

Lord who may ascend to your hill your holy place
Lord who can afford to behold your face and live

Verse 1 (continued)

Here we stand filled with awe
Free to enter your courts
For you have torn the veil and now we can
Boldly come to you


We sing of your love steadfast never ceasing
We celebrate we shout for joy your goodness overwhelms us
Honor and praise be to you our Father
In faithfulness you brought us out
Of darkness to live in your glorious light

Verse 2

Lord you made of us a holy race a people for you
We gladly declare your wondrous deeds and mighty acts

Verse 2 (continued)

Christ our Lord we come to you
Joyfully we acclaim
That you have loosed our bonds and you broke our yoke
And blotted out our sins


We sing of your love steadfast never ceasing
We celebrate we shout for joy your goodness overwhelms us
Honor and praise be to you our Father
In faithfulness you brought us out
Of darkness to live in your glorious light


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