Strong the Chains

by Paul Beckman Release year: 2021 

Verse 1

Strong the chains that held us bound
Through our fall cast afar from the light of his face
Yet as great the fetters of our sin
Greater still is the love of our God for man

Verse 1 (continued)

He has taken heed of our souls' distress
Knowing our frame that we are but dust
Thus he sends his firstborn Son to be
Ransomed for our captivity

Verse 2

Wisdom knowledge and holiness
All revealed in the Lord our righteousness
Every promise of our faithful God
Finds its yes in the will of his living word

Verse 2 (continued)

He is Jesus fount of truth and life
Mercy and favor in sacrifice
He has raised us from our lowliness
Healing our nature by his death

Verse 3

Love and worship freely bring
Giving glory and honor and thanks everlasting
Look upon the exalted Lord
For in him is our help and our great reward

Verse 3 (continued)

He is Christ 'fore whom all knees shall bend
He the beginning and he the end
His redeemed in endless joy shall share
God's own glory evermore

Verse 4

For his name by all shall be confessed
God and Savior ever blessed
While his bride in triumph ceaseless sings
Hymns of glory to her King
Sung to the glory of her King
Sung to the glory of her King


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