For Our God Has Come to Earth

by Joseph Mathias Release year: 2024 

Verse 1

Silent, trembling, over-awed,
all creation hails this hour.
Here, O man, behold your God;
marvel at His saving power.
He with you, His rebel creature,
feeble, mortal, sinful, lowly,
shares His uncreated nature,
glorious, pure, eternal, holy.
For our God has come to earth.
For our God has come to earth.

Verse 2

Righteousness comes down from heav'n;
faithfulness springs up from earth.
For a slave, a Son is giv'n,
noblest Lord of humblest birth.
For th'Immortal at His coming,
by His grace, not for our merit,
our mortality assuming,
wears our flesh and breathes His Spirit.
For our God has come to earth.
For our God has come to earth.

Verse 3

See the Godhead manifest
in the Infant's lowly form,
nourished from the Virgin's breast
in the manger swaddled warm.
Yet as once the womb of Mary
bore Him at the Father's pleasure,
now in earthen jars we carry
Christ our everlasting treasure.
For our God has come to earth.
For our God has come to earth.

Verse 4

Come to us, O Word made Flesh;
make Your face on us to shine.
Let Your Spirit fall afresh;
fill us with Your life divine.
Bear us up, Your new creation,
from one glory to another.
Save us by Your Incarnation,
Jesus, splendor of the Father.
For our God has come to earth.
For our God has come to earth.


Sing the glory of the Father!
Praise the Son, and hail His birth!
Glorify the Holy Spirit,
and let every creature hear it!
For our God has come to earth!
For our God has come to earth!


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