We Come to You

by John Hughes Release year: 2023 

Verse 1

We come to Mount Zion
The heavenly Jerusalem the city of our God
To thousands upon thousands of angels gathered round
We come to praise the Lord of Hosts


We come to you to the living God
You who bought us at a price we come freely
Unto Jesus Christ our Lord
Once rejected now become our cornerstone
O Son of God we come to you

Verse 2

We come to temple courts
The true and better dwelling place not made with human hands
Where our High Priest has entered once for all to give
His life his perfect holy blood


We come to you to the living God
You who bought us at a price we come freely
Unto Jesus Christ our Lord
Once rejected now become our cornerstone
O Son of God we come to you

Verse 3

We come with nothing in our hands
No worthy sacrifice to bring yet offering our lives
From every tribe and nation all corners of the earth
We come to serve the Lord of all


We come to you to the living God
You who bought us at a price we come freely
Unto Jesus Christ our Lord
Once rejected now become our cornerstone
O Son of God we come to you
O Son of God we come to you


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