Psalm 34 (I Sought the Lord)

by Eoin Lynch Release year: 2020 

Verse 1

I sought the Lord and he heard my cry
He delivered me from all of my fears
Radiant are those who look upon his face
They shall never be ashamed


I will bless the Lord at all times
His praise shall always be in my mouth
Awake O my soul make your boast in the Lord

Chorus (repeated)

Let the humble hear and be glad
O magnify the Lord with me
Let us exalt his holy name

Verse 2

Taste and see that the Lord is good
Blest are they who take refuge in him
Oh fear the Lord all you his saints
For those who fear him lack no good


I will bless the Lord at all times
His praise shall always be in my mouth
Awake O my soul make your boast in the Lord

Chorus (repeated)

Let the humble hear and be glad
O magnify the Lord with me
Let us exalt his holy name

Verse 2

The eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous
And his ears are always towards their cry
When the righteous cry for help the Lord comes to their aid
He delivers them from harm


I will bless the Lord at all times
His praise shall always be in my mouth
Awake O my soul make your boast in the Lord


Let the humble hear and be glad
O magnify the Lord with me
Let us exalt his holy name
His holy name


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