Make Us Yours
Release year: 2007
Based on: Joel 2:12-13 and Isaiah 35:10
Even now, return to him.
Rend your hearts, and come to him;
For he is ever faithful to heal our faithlessness.
The Lord will make us his if we would but return.
Make us yours, Lord. Make of us a people
Precious in your eyes, made whole for you.
Come restore, Lord; to send us forth, Lord;
To walk in holiness with you, Lord; make us yours.
From the north he calls his sons.
His children come from far away.
Overcome with gladness, by streams of living water
The ransomed of the Lord will return to him.
Make us yours, Lord. Make of us a people
Precious in your eyes, made whole for you.
Come restore, Lord; to send us forth, Lord;
To walk in holiness with you, Lord; make us yours.
© 2007 John Hughes. Used by Permission.
Recorded and produced by the Sword of the Spirit as part of the album In Spirit and Truth. Did you find a typo in the lyrics of this song? Let us know.