God alone God alone
In your courts O my Lord is my home
You are my treasure my portion delight of my soul
My life my salvation my fortress
my God and my all
O my soul claim nothing as your own
For you there is God and God alone
God alone God alone
In your courts O my Lord is my home
You are my treasure my portion delight of my soul
My life my salvation my fortress
my God and my all
O my soul claim nothing as your own
For you there is God and God alone
© 1988 The Servants of the Word
All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used By Permission.
Sound recording © 2006 Brotherhood of Hope Publishing. PO Box 200057, Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120. Used with permission. All rights reserved.Did you find a typo in the lyrics of this song? Let us know.
This song, by its word and music, unite my heart, mind and soul with God.
Thanks John!
In God alone is our home. He is our ultimate goal. He has given us new life through His son our Lord Jesus Christ who is resin from death and so our witnessing will not turn void . Amen to God be all the glory.
Gracias. Es muy util para mi las partituras