Your Glorious Grace
Release year: 2015
Based on: Ephesians 1:4-10, 3:14-15
Verse 1
We kneel before you, Father,
from whom your sons and daughters have their name;
We have your name.
For from the world's foundation
you chose us to be blameless in your sight,
in your sight.
And in your love you destined us
to be your own true children,
that we might live
to praise your glorious grace.
Then Father make us one,
Father make us one,
that all might live to praise your glorious grace. (end: 2x)
Verse 2
You lavished love upon us;
you sent us your beloved only Son,
your only Son.
In him we have redemption,
forgiveness of transgressions by his blood,
by his blood.
And you made known the mystery
of your great will and pleasure:
to bring all things
together under him.
© 2009 The Servants of the Word
All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used By Permission.
Recorded and produced by the Servants of the Word as part of the album Praise the Lord, All Nations.
Hello SOS Community. I really love this song and it inspired me esp this week as we pray together the prayer for Christian Unity.
I would just like to ask some clarification with the chorus if what is the right lyrics.
Then Father make us one,
Father make us one,
that all might live to praise your glorious grace.
But in the mp3 it’s ‘That all the world might live your ….’
Thank you so much in advance!
Hello Pauee,
You’re right – the recording says “that all the world might live…”. But the way the song was written it says “that all might live”. You can see the sheet music for clarification.
Thanks for the feedback!