Chorus based on: Ezekiel 36:26
Verse 1 (Men) Lord, I want to serve before You With tongues of fire, and a heart set free. Come, rebuild this fallen temple. I am Yours, I surrender, and I yield.
Verse 2 (Women) Lord, I want to sing Your praises With tongues of fire and a heart set free. Come, and fill this broken vessel. I am Yours, I surrender, and I yield.
Chorus A new heart I will give you, says the Lord, And a new Spirit I will put within you. (x2)
Verse 3 Lord, I’ll be sin’s slave no longer. The blood of Christ has set me free. Take my heart, my mind, my voice, Lord. I am Yours, I surrender, and I yield.
Bridge Renew, revive, restore us, O Lord! (x2)
Verse 4 Lord we want to see Your kingdom A church renewed, and a world redeemed. Cleanse our lips to speak Your gospel. We are Yours, we surrender, and we yield
Very uplifting song!
I would like to learn the song. Any song sheet yo share.
Hi Emman,
You can get the Sheet Music by clicking the big blue ‘Get Sheet Music’ button above, which is next to the Spotify, Apple, and Anghami buttons.
Let us know if this makes sense.
Well done Joseph!
Love it!
This is a great song!